
Norco’s Hangar Door System Process

The addition of a brand new hangar door system is an investment. However, this is an investment with the potential to transform a facility. Where do you begin if this is in the budgetary conversation? Norco’s team will assist you each step in the process of transforming your facility with a new hangar door system.

The process Norco adheres to is broken down into 5 steps. Below we will outline each step to give a clear picture of what it would look like to start and complete a project with Norco.

Step 1. Preliminary Conference

In this part of the process, architectural renderings are prepared. This is where Norco examines all parts of the facility to create renderings that would best represent a finished hangar door project. Once these renderings are drawn up, decisions are made in terms of door style that would best suit the facility. Specifications are then submitted for the next step in the process to begin. This can be modified and customized by any application due to Norco’s concept of a Universal Door System.

Step 2. Schematic Design

Once all specifications, renderings, and decisions have been made, the information is fully prepared for the design and development process. This step serves as the preparation for the plan to be passed on to the design and engineering team for execution.

Step 3. Design Development

By now, the basic design elements have been finalized. At this point the decision on the specific door system will be made. Products and materials for the door system will begin examination. The inspection of materials is always a top priority in the project process. Specifications of the design are continually refined within this step. From here, Norco’s engineers provide individualized consultation for the client concerning everything from the product's characteristics to the types and sizes of the applications. Norco’s engineers utilize AutoCAD engineering for the expedited transfer of drawings and specifications that come from the schematic designing and design development steps in the process.

Step 4. Contract Documents and Bidding

Once all files, renderings, consultation, and approval of materials has been complete, the contractual documentation is confirmed and approved between Norco and the client. For this process to be successful, there is a final conference which coordinates the architects, building designers, and engineers all involved with the project. To come to agreement with the client, Norco needs the following parties all involved in the final bidding and approval process before breaking ground and beginning the construction of the project.

Step 5. Building Construction

Once the contract is finalized, and receipts for proper permits are retrieved, the actual construction process may begin and will continue until completion.

As you can see, there is a lot of legwork done by Norco on the front end of the project in order to ensure precision and accuracy for the client and their needs. Now that the process has been laid out, let us walk you through it. It all starts with getting in contact with Norco, and letting us begin our first step of preliminary conferencing. Norco is here to transform your facility with a brand new hangar door system.